Friday, 17 January 2014


“By letting it go it all gets done.  The world is won by those who let it go.  But when you try and try.  The world is beyond the winning.”  –Lao Tzu  

In my life at the moment I'm faced with the fact of  accepting situations that I really rather not even have to deal with. Though I rather not have to deal with them, I am faced with the truth that I have to and become at a state of grace with them. 

For those who do not know what a state of grace is, it is when you accept the situation fully and when it no longer has an effect or emotion attached to the situation. 

You see with how my body and mind works is when I'm battling with a circumstance that is needing accepting, clearing or needs to be changed. My body shows the complication in an ache, pain or in sickness. Everyone has this to an degree without knowing it, but my body seems to react a lot easier, and excels the situation. 

So what am I having to accept at the moment? Well...
  • I'm having to accept that my body has been for over 2 years battling with fatigue and how I have been waking up tired mostly everyday for over 3 years. 
  • How I spent 2 years mostly in my bed, and I how in my mind I feel like I'm losing time and I wasted my teenage years. 
  • How I can't even go to a Yoga class with out feeling tired, and its yoga! a place that should spiritually and physically energise and relax you. 
  • I also can barely hang out with my friends or organise a day to hang out with them because I don' know how I'm going to feel. 
  • How my iron and hormones are unbalanced that I'm putting on weight and have pimples, even though I'm eating right and trying to do some exercise, though it makes me tired. 
  • How my best friend is across on the other side of the world and I barely get to talk to her, and how I miss her everyday. 
  • How I don't want be in this body anymore or in pain. 
  • That school starts in 9 days and I want to start  the year off well and energised, but at the moment I don't feel the best. 
So right now at this point in my life I'm angry, frustrated and hurt, and it's honestly not helping me one single bit. Yes I' am so over it that at most times I just want to scream and shout for it to end. But being constantly angry and frustrated at it doesn't help. Because you are allowed to feel all those emotions, if your friend died of course you would be upset and you are allowed to grieve but there comes a point where you can't grieve anymore because you get caught up in it and it takes over so you can't move on. 

I don't have the answers for how to accept a situation just yet, I'm searching for them and with the help of  my mentor I'm slowly finding my way. But something that my mentor taught me with was when your caught up in a situation take a  step back mentally from your body and if you were your own coach or best friend what would you say to yourself? As an example,  everything is going to be ok. This too shall pass. Just let the anger go. What is a positive thing that happened today? What has this taught you? 

Ask yourself some of these questions and remember to be your best friend, because at the end of the day you are the only person you have. 

Also remember the key to change is to let go of fear, and accept what you can't change and change what you can't accept. 

 Till next time 


The Girl With Red Shoes 

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