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You need your red shoes for that attitude and fun |
I know you might be thinking, that I have gone a little crazy. Maybe I have, but I don't think so.
You see there are always those people out there today who, lets just call them the haters, who will stop at nothing but the destruction of others. These haters are the ones who make us feel the need to criticise ourselves, and believe we're not worthy. I know I said in my last blog that we are the ones who have to be the bigger man and that's true, but we still can have fun while doing it.
So, your properly wondering how anger comes into this.
Well, there's two states of anger, there's the one where we don't think rationally and act out, which I understand is sometimes very hard to control.
The other state is where we be the "bigger man." You see, being the bigger man doesn't mean we ignore it, tolerate it or don't get angry over it. It means, we do it in a more civilised manner. Yes, I did say civilised.
Being civilised in this manner means we can defiantly still be angry, but do it without the use of our hands, or the person ever finding out and you being made the bad guy.
I have a few suggestions of what I have been doing in past and lately:
- Listen to some up beat, loud, rock type music or ones about being angry and let that frustration out
- Imagine a long dark hole, and imagine you plonk (maybe throw) them in there, and think their not worth your time, so you sill the hole shut...
- Punch a pillow
- Draw a messy, ugly drawing of them and burn it, imagine their going up in flames. ( Burn baby, burn)
- Maybe even write about all those things you wish you had told them, all those, "Bad words," every detail. But make sure you then burn it, because it would be horrible if it got out and then you would end up the bad guy.
- If you have a ball through it and imagine the ball has the persons face on it. But my favourite, when it comes to a ball and anger, is baseball. A bat and a ball, can do wonders with the anger we hold. But it can work with any sport with a ball and a bat.
- For some it helps to run it off, I proffer to swimming and let the frustration flow off through the water.
- A friend once told me, that when you go to the beach, and the waves about to crash, you smash into them and image its them. She said this was a really good technique to use, and it may just work for you.
- If you have a dart board, I have seen a lot of people get a picture of that person, or even your own drawing and through darts.
- Finally for most people out there, because lets just face it, we all have those haters, and sometimes they just don't stop. You confront the person, hopefully after you have told them to stop before. When you confront it is in a civilised cool manner, like you are totally fine and nothing is worrying or hurting you. You talk, without using your hands, and put those haters/hater in their place. Not raising your voice, trying to use as many less, "bad words," as possible.
You may think these few things of getting rid of anger is a twisted, cruel and maybe horrible list and that I shouldn't be posting it on my blog. Because anger is bad for us.
Well, maybe anger is bad for us, but that's when we hold on to it, till it ends up taking control. This list isn't about how to hold on to it, it's a list about how to release it before any damage is done, and it also means nobody gets hurt, including you.
Lately I have been very angry at a person I love, she hurt me pretty bad. But the thing is, I was just holding on to the anger, and then it became all I thought about.
Anger its self is not good for us, but when your in control and have the attitude to be the "bigger man," then your all good. You can also have some fun with it, so maybe anger isn't to good for us, but I'll let you make your own decision of that...
Till next time
The Girl With The Red Shoes